What are the key differences between the GMAT and GRE?

06 April, 2023
Artika Shah, IMS
What are the key differences between the GMAT and GRE

On the GRE, all quantitative questions are solved with calculators, unlike the GMAT. They can also study in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, India, Hong Kong, Germany, Singapore, Netherlands, and Australia.

Choosing the appropriate test, whether the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Records Examination (GRE), is a difficult task for every aspirant. Both exams are essential to obtaining a place in the best business institutes worldwide. However, what is the difference between the GRE and the GMAT, and which one should a candidate prefer between the two?

It is important to determine your objectives before deciding whether to take the GMAT test or the GRE test. Before choosing which exam to take, consider the similarities and differences between the GMAT and GRE.

GMAT or GRE: Which test is easier?

GMAT is appropriate for individuals who possess strong quantitative and analytical abilities and can make sense of data presented in tables, charts, and texts to solve complex problems. On the GRE, all quantitative questions are solved with calculators, unlike the GMAT.. Test-takers with a strong vocabulary may prefer the GRE over the GMAT’s verbal section. The GRE and GMAT exam both contain questions such as Quantitative Comparison and Data Sufficiency.

What influences GMAT and GRE scores?

Let’s look at the factors that impact GRE and GMAT scores:

  1. Test Fees: There is a fee of $250 for the GMAT and $205 for the GRE test.
  2. The number of business schools accepting GRE and GMAT test scores: There are more than 7,000 GMAT programs at 2,300 business schools, but only a few accept GRE scores.
  3. Test duration:
    GMAT test duration: The duration of the GMAT is 3 hours and 7 minutes, whereas the duration of the GRE is 3 hours and 45 minutes. In the GMAT, the AWA section lasts 30 minutes and the IR section lasts 30 minutes with 12 questions. One section of the Quant section of the GMAT includes 31 questions lasting 62 minutes each. The duration of one section of the verbal section of the GMAT is 65 minutes.
    GRE test duration: THE GRE AWA section, which consists of two essays, lasts for 60 minutes. GRE quantitative sections, with 20 questions each, take 70 minutes to complete, while verbal sections, with 20 questions each, take 60 minutes.
  1. Design of the GRE & GMAT test:For the GMAT exam, a computer-based test is administered, while for the GRE, a computer-based and paper-based test is administered. Both the GRE and GMAT tests are computer-adaptive.
  1. Scoring System:
    GMAT test: The test score range for the GMAT exam is between 200-800 (in 10-point increments). The quant score range is between 6-51 (scaled score) and verbal score range is between 6-51 (scaled score) and the IR score is between 1-8 and the AWA score is between 0-6.
    GRE test:  The test score range for GRE is 260-340 ( in 1-point increments). The quant and verbal score range is 130-170 and the AWA score is between 0-6.
  1. For which test takers is it better?: The GRE test is a better choice for numbers crunchers, and it is primarily based on the testing of vocabulary in context.  Creative and flexible thinkers should take the GMAT exam.
  2. Test-taking strategies: During the GRE test, you can review questions within the same section. When you answer the questions on the GMAT test, you cannot go back.
  3. Countries chose to Study: GMAT students may choose to study in the United States or abroad. They can also study in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, India, Hong Kong, Germany, Singapore, Netherlands, and Australia. Most GRE students prefer to study in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

This comprehensive guide on GRE and GMAT compares the two exams. It addresses a variety of topics, including test preparation, exam structure, and costs. Read our Beginner’s Guide to the GMAT Exam to get a more detailed outlook. You can contact IMS for more information about GRE  & GMAT exams.