CLAT English Preparation Tips 2024: How to Prepare for CLAT 2024’s English Language Section

04 September, 2023
Parthiva Mewawala, IMS India

Around 20% of your CLAT 2024 marks will depend on your English grammar and comprehension skills, making it a critical piece of your overall score. Those looking to score over 100 marks must devote ample time and energy to studying English. Although the level of command over the language expected doesn’t exceed that of 10+2, few can afford to make the mistake of underestimating this section. Unlike your 10+2, where the questions were straightforward and focused on learning the rules of the language, CLAT attempts to test the grasp you have over the application aspect of it – comprehension, analysis, inference, and speed. We’ve compiled the top CLAT English preparation tips for you to master the language and score the highest possible marks.


What is the CLAT English syllabus?


The CLAT English section is considered by most to be of easy to medium difficulty. It is not the level of questions that tumps most test-takers but the speed required to read the long passages and answer correctly within the limited timeframe. You can expect around 6-7 passages, each 450 words long, followed by 5-6 questions. While most passages are based on non-fiction editorial pieces, a couple might be sourced from classic fictional works. You won’t be required to have any prior understanding of the contents of the passage. As long as you can read, comprehend, and infer the meaning of the sentences quickly, you should be able to do well.


Here are the most essential CLAT English topics to cover during your CLAT preparation:


  • Sentence Correction
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Sentence Rearrangement
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Comprehension-Based Questions
  • Word Meanings
  • Spelling Check
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Error Spotting


All of the above question types need to be tackled well enough. Comprehensive practice with suitable material is the only way to secure your marks. But before you practice, ensure that your foundation in all the concepts is clear. Use these CLAT English preparation tips to strengthen your lessons and get the speed needed to crack CLAT English 2024.


CLAT English Preparation Tips 2024 – General Tips

  1. Start your day with the newspaper. Skim through the headlines and zero in on the most important news pieces for the day. This will help you with your English practice and keep you updated with current affairs. CLAT likes to focus on news pieces of national importance, foreign affairs, international relations, awards and ceremonies, politics, and some business. The sports section is only crucial if events of national importance have taken place.
  2. But reading newspapers alone is not enough. You need to inculcate the critical skills of skimming and speed reading, both of which require developing a daily reading habit. Start with ten pages per day and gradually increase the number as your pace improves. Try and read a healthy mix of fiction and non-fiction. The non-fiction books will stimulate you and expose you to new ideas, while the fiction ones will teach you to analyse creative writing critically.
  3. Start giving mock tests early. Not only will they acquaint you with the level of English required to crack CLAT, but they will also enable you to track your progress. Once you get the results of your mock exam back, analyse each answer, wrong as well as right. For the ones you got right, go through the official solution to see if there’s a faster way to get to the correct answer. For the ones you got wrong, figure out why. Which part of the question confused you? What about the question compelled you to choose the wrong answer? How can you change your approach to choose the right one next time?


CLAT English Preparation Tips 2024 – Reading Comprehension


  1. Read the questions before you read the passage. This will help you save time by focusing your efforts towards finding the answers immediately.
  2. Next, read the passage and underline the key sentences. Key sentences are the ones that the author uses to express the central idea of the passage. This main idea will dictate the outcome of many of the questions.
  3. Answer the factual questions next. Questions with direct answers, such as names, dates, and phrases, are the easiest to tackle.
  4. Lastly, answer the interpretative and subjective questions that require you to use your analytical faculties. This is where the underlined parts of the passage will be helpful.


CLAT English Preparation Tips 2024 – Grammar 


  1. This is the easiest part of CLAT English to master. Since grammar rules aren’t open to change, all the answers will be objective, i.e., there can only possibly be one answer.
  2. Don’t focus on memorising the rules – instead, understand and practise grammar until it becomes instinctual.
  3. For more challenging grammar questions, break the sentence down into its constituent parts and unravel their relationship. It’ll become simpler to find the errors.


CLAT English Preparation Tips 2024 – Vocabulary


  1. Consider Normal Lewis’s book ‘Word Power Made Easy’ your Bible. Not only will the book improve your overall grasp of the English language, but it will also help you in your future legal career.


  1. While reading the newspaper and your books, make it a point to underline the words you aren’t sure of and look them up in a dictionary. Create a list of such words and revise them regularly to expand your vocabulary.


  1. To complement your reading, look up sites such as,,, and These blogs contain well-versed academic and opinion pieces on relevant topics. The level and quality of the blogs will elevate your own reading and written game.


CLAT English Preparation Tips 2024 – Books


Your study material will play a guiding role in giving your CLAT 2024 prep the right direction. Here’s a list of all the books you should invest in for self-study purposes.


Оbjeсtive Generаl English 2022RS Аggаrwаl
Рeаrsоn Guide tо the СLАTРeаrsоn’s
Wоrd Роwer Mаde EаsyNоrmаn Lewis
Оbjeсtive Generаl English 2022SР Bаkshi
High School English Grammar and Composition KeyWren & Martin
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal ReasoningRS Аggаrwаl
English Is EasyChetan Anand Singh
Pocket Guide to VocabularyBarron
СLАT GuideTаtа MсGrаw-Hill

English is easy to score on if you prepare well beforehand. These tips will serve as guidelines to direct your prep. But sometimes, self-study isn’t enough, especially for an exam as tough as CLAT. Signing up for a comprehensive test series, such as the one provided by IMS Get.Set.Law, the Law 2024 Test Series, can go a long way in getting you to crack that 100-mark score. It has over 67 full-length mocks encompassing all the major law exams of the country, with 30 proctored SimCLATs to be given in an exam-like setting. Fill out the form on this link to talk to our mentors and learn more about the IMS Get.Set.Law test series can help you.