CLAT 2022 Analysis

20 June, 2022


The CLAT 2022 exam was overall easy with some moderately difficult questions. The section wise analysis of each of the passage/question is as below:

Verbal Reasoning Section Analysis

The section had 6 passages with 5 questions each, which was on expected lines. The level of difficulty varied from very easy to difficult. Some passages were difficult not because of the content, but for the questions that followed them. At least two passages were difficult in terms of the familiarity the students may have with them. A couple of passages had some tricky questions and at least 2 passages had slightly technical terms. 

  • The first passage consists majorly of just some examples of great speeches, it was not a very difficult one. The central idea was that great speech can have a great impact on the listeners. This was an easy passage; a must attempt one.
  • The second passage was of moderate difficulty level giving us a little story to see the positive outcomes of putting technology to good use and then highlights the negative impact it has on the social interactions we have amongst ourselves. He raises questions about the future and suggests going back to our old ways of interacting and catching-up to resolve the issue of loneliness the people of the world face today. It could have been easily attempted by the students.
  • The third passage very clearly, a difficult passage and should have been attempted only if time permits. The vocabulary used is of a slightly complex variety and because the subject of the passage is strongly religious, it calls for some bias in the reader’s mind. This passage also tests the ability of a student to be neutral in such circumstances.
  • The fourth passage was in the moderate difficulty level but could have been easily attempted by the students. The topic of crypto-currencies vs. money isn’t new to the world, but students with a regular reading habit might have an advantage here. The language is simple with some technical words thrown into the mix to make students slow down their pace.
  • The fifth passage was a difficult one especially when compared with the other passages in the test. It is difficult because of the language used, and also because of the topic being unusual. It talks about the dependence of the countries on oil for political dominance in the world. It also gives us a peek into history of the world with respect to the importance of countries being self-sufficient or at least in control of the movement of oil supplies to itself and others. The same could have been attempted by the students if time permits.
  • The sixth passage is an easy passage content-wise. However, the questions were cryptic and not direct. This passage is a good example of how a passage that may sound easy to read may be followed by questions that may not be as obvious. The central idea is that some work which is very well-known today did not receive the recognition it deserved when the person who engendered the idea was alive. 

Overall, out of the 6 passages the students could have attempted 4 of them for sure, i.e, the 1st passage on speeches by great men, the 2nd on highlighting the positive outcomes of technology, the 4th passage on crypto-currencies and the 6th passage on Christianity and religion. 

Good Attempts = 4-5 Qs

GK Section Analysis 

The passages under the General Knowledge section were mostly expected and between easy to moderate level of difficulty with topics such as Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Drone Shakti, CSR, ISRO etc.

  • The first passage fell under the broad category of science and technology focusing on the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) which was expected and questions fell between easy to moderate level of difficulty.
  • The second passage was from the broad category of National legal GK and politics on the topic of Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which was again an expected question but was moderately difficult for most students as the questions themselves were lengthy.
  • The third passage was one of the most expected passage falling under the broad category of International News on the topic of Russia-Ukraine Conflict with easy questions on their currency, President, his previous profession, etc.
  • The fourth passage fell under the broad category of Science and Technology on the topic of Green Strategic Partnership which was announced in September 2020 but was in the light in May 2022 and included questions from the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 
  • The fifth passage can be considered as an unexpected question which was difficult for most of the students and could have been left unattempted. The broad category was Policy and Governance on the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assigned to the companies by the Government during the COVID-19 pandemic and included questions on different policies of the companies such as Facebook India. 
  • The sixth passage was a combination of different categories but mainly focused on Defence National News on the topic of the Drone Rules of 2021. The passage and the consequent questions included various interesting aspects such as the Union Budget, Drone Shakti and the role played during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was again an expected question with moderate difficulty which could have been attempted by the students definitely.
  • Lastly, the seventh passage fell under the broad category of National News on Defence on the topic the SAGAR Vision which was a pretty expected and easy question and could have been easily attempted by the students. 

Overall, of the 7 seven passages 5 should have been attempted, ie., 7th Passage on SAGAR vision, 8th Passage on Drone Rules, 2021, 10th Passage on Russia-Ukraine Conflict, 11th Passage on AFSPA Rules and 12th Passage on ISRO.

Good Attempt = 4-5 Qs


Legal Reasoning Section Analysis 

The Legal Reasoning questions, on the other hand, were mostly easy on the main subjects of law itself with heavy focus on Constitution Law and Miscellaneous Law including Family Law and International Law. Surprisingly, the legal reasoning section did not include questions from Tort Law. The questions were based on the already established principles of law, rather than any new amendments.

    • The first passage of Legal Reasoning fell under the subject of Constitutional Law on the topic of Writs as a public remedy along with the powers of the High Court in India. The said passage was expected and easy for students to attempt and had limited hypothetical situations.
  • The second passage was from the subject of Constitutional Law on the topic of Right to practice religion and secularism laid down under Articles 25-28 of the Constitution of India. This was an easy question and expected for the students with multiple hypothetical situations. 
  • The third passage was again from the subject of Constitutional Law on the topic of fundamental rights enshrined under Article 19 of the Constitution of India with focus on right to reside and right to move freely. With most questions based on hypothetical situations, the same was easy to attempt and linked to the passage.
  • The fourth passage was from the broad subject of Miscellaneous Laws on Bigamy which falls under Family Law. The question was moderately difficult, however, expected focusing on the rules of Hindu Marriage Act with a combination of punishment laid down under the Indian Penal Code. 
  • The fifth passage was again from the broad category of Miscellaneous Laws on Special Marriage Act and the process of registration and divorce of special marriages. The question was easy to attempt and all the questions in the said passage were based on hypothetical situations which were simple to comprehend.
  • The sixth passage fell under the broad subject of Miscellaneous Laws on the theories of relationship between International Law and Domestic Law falling under the subject of International Law. This was one of the unexpected questions under the legal reasoning section and was also a lengthy passage making it time consuming while reading. However, the questions were easy to attempt. 
  • The seventh passage was again from the broad category of Miscellaneous Laws on Environmental law along with the right to clean and healthy environment enshrined under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. It was a moderately difficult questions requiring extensive reading and did not include any hypothetical situation.
  • The last passage was based on principles of Contract Law on the topic of Mistake and void and voidable contracts. This question was one of the most expected questions and was easy for the students to attempt. 

Overall, out of the 8 passages, 6 could have been easily attempted by the students, i.e, the 14th passage on writs under Constitutional Law, the 15th passage on right to religion, the 16th passage on fundamental rights under Article 19 of the Constitution, the 17th passage on Bigamy, the 18th passage on Special Marriage Act and the 21st passage on Mistake of law under Contract Act. The remaining 2 passages, i.e, the 19th and the 20th passages were also attemptable, if the time permits.

Good Attempt = 7-8 Qs


Quantitative Techniques Section Analysis 


SET – 1

Topic: Percentages and Ratios

Total number of students enrolled in a college was given, along with the breakup of the total number of boys and girls. Further data was provided in percentage for students enrolled in 5 different streams. Also, the percentage of girls as a percentage of total girls in the college was also given.

One was required to find students enrolled in each stream, followed by the number of girls enrolled in each stream followed by the number of boys enrolled in each stream.

Calculation based set – Time consuming.

Could have been left or attempted last.

Q136: Direct Qs once values have been found. – Medium

Q137: Direct Qs once values have been found. – Medium

Q138: Direct Qs once values have been found. – Medium

Q139: slight calculation -option(a) and (b) were very close. – Difficult Qs.

Q140: Direct Qs once values have been found. – Medium


Set – 2

Topic: Percentage, Ratios and Profit and Loss.

Total production of a company for 5 products and its percentage distribution was provided. Also, percentage turnover from each product and total turnover was given. 

One has to create a table of percentage values for production units and turnover at the beginning (do not calculate exact values – as they are not required for all Qs.)


Q141: Formula used: Loss = total expenditure – Turnover (for product T). – Medium

Q142: slight calculation: options very close – Medium to Difficult

Q143: Direct Qs – Easy

Q144: comparison of ratios: turnover/production – Easy

Q145: Direct Qs – Easy

Least time consuming set – should have been attempted first.

4 out 5 questions could be answered with 100% accuracy.


Set – 3

Topic: Percentages and Ratios.

Total employees working in an organization, and percentage distribution of employees across 6 departments was provided. Further, ratio of males to females for each department was also provided.

After reading the question, it was found that : Calculating the actual values will speed up the process and all Qs could be answered easily.

Q146: direct – Medium

Q147: Direct – Medium

Q148: Direct – Medium

Q149: direct – Medium

Q150: slight calculation – Medium

All Qs were to be attempted with 100% accuracy.



Set 2 –  should have been attempted first with 4 out of 5 Qs.

Set 3 – to be attempted next – all 5 Qs.

Set 1 –  if time permits  then attempt the set else leave the set.


The sets were calculation based, testing speed & accuracy.

Basic knowledge of Percentage, Ratios, P&L, Average was tested in the paper.


Good Attempt = 9 – 10 Qs