About Admission Consulting

02 November, 2022

The process of Admission Consulting begins from the moment a students enrols with a program. The process entails the following components:

  • School shortlisting
    Selecting a set of the programs most suited to your profile and aspirations.
  • Essay and CV review
    Providing content, language and grammar edits for your CV, application essays, Statement of Purpose (SOP) and scholarship essays.
  • Recommendation review
    Assistance with picking out the right recommenders and providing you with draft outlines and pointers for persuasive letters of recommendation.
  • Interview preparation
    Conducting simulated business school interviews and scholarship interviews (in person or telephonic) and providing you with school /scholarship specific interview research.
  • Finance and Visa preparation
    Assistance on all aspects of securing financial aid, educational loans and visa preparation (including visa interviews).