Study Abroad

Profile Building for MBA – How to Build Profile for MBA/MiM Admissions Abroad

21 October, 2023
Dipti Pal, Head - Admission Consulting, IMS CIE

As admission consultants at IMS International, we often hear from students seeking guidance on profile building for MBA admissions abroad. Their questions range from how crucial is a strong profile for MBA admissions to how to build a compelling profile that can bolster their chances of landing a top admit. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success, what truly matters is striking the right balance and taking your application to the next level. 


In this blog, we will explore the key elements to building an MBA profile that can make your application stand out in the competitive field of international business education.


Getting accepted into a top MBA/ MiM program requires more than just excellent grades, test scores & work experience. Your application needs to catch the eye of the admissions committee. And this can become even harder if you’re part of overrepresented profiles such as Indian IT/ Finance males. But if you follow the tips compiled here to aid you with profile building for MBA admissions, your application is bound to cut through the clutter and stand out.

Profile building for MBA – 9 tips to make your profile shine

1. Class Profile Assessment

Start by researching the class profiles of your target schools. Analyse admitted students’ backgrounds and note specific criteria like work experience, community engagement, career vision, and international exposure. If you find gaps in your MBA profile, create a two-year action plan to address them. Seek opportunities to build leadership skills, gain more professional experience, and expand your international exposure. Profile building for MBA is a long-term game and requires consistent effort to bear fruition.

2. Polish Public Speaking

Strong public speaking skills are a valuable asset. Practice speaking to different audience sizes, from one-on-one to large groups. Join groups like Toastmasters to refine your communication abilities. You can watch TED Talks about similar topics to note how to present yourself better while publicly speaking.


3. Network with Alumni/ Admissions team

Start connecting with alumni from your target schools. Their insights into the school’s culture and the admissions process can provide valuable information. Creating a strong LinkedIn presence for admissions provides visibility and showcases your academic and professional accomplishments, personal brand, and engagement with the business and academic communities. For example, you can search for open groups or people who are active on the official social media page of the University/ Institute and interact via LinkedIn with the alumni or current students. 

4. Lead Significant Projects

Assume leadership roles in impactful projects, whether at work or through volunteer initiatives. Gaining experience in project management, including budgeting and people management, enhances your application. For example, if you are pursuing a specialisation, volunteer for clubs, seminars, workshops, competitions, projects, etc, in your current school/workplace/institute and ensure that an expert mentors you.


5. International Exposure

If feasible, spend time abroad to broaden your global perspective. Multilingual skills and international experience are highly regarded. For example, you can also plan a trip other than professional work travel – you may plan a trip to a historical city and interact with the locals and tourists alike to understand each culture’s inclusivity and diversity of perspectives.


6. Community Engagement

Engage in meaningful community service and volunteer for causes showcasing your social responsibility commitment. This demonstrates leadership and initiative beyond your professional role. You can volunteer at several health and food drives to give back to society!


7. Revive Sports Passion

Rediscover your love for sports, promote personal excellence, and enhance teamwork skills in your chosen sport. Many universities and institutions offer physical health and sports-related clubs and activities. It also helps you to present a case where you can contribute to their fitness and sports-related clubs. Participation in this area boosts physical and mental health and keeps you focused and disciplined.


8. Learn a New Language

Diversify your profile by acquiring a working knowledge of a new language, emphasising your adaptability and global perspective. It benefits if you learn culturally important languages in your target country. Such knowledge will help you socialise with the locals easily and increase your cultural knowledge. 

9. Launch a Start-up

Embark on a start-up venture, even with a free WordPress blog, gaining practical experience in key MBA areas such as marketing and entrepreneurship. Illustrate your drive and entrepreneurial spirit. For example, you can start a small for-profit business as a marketing or sales-oriented person. This experience will help you understand and perceive your specialisation more inherently, and you will better understand your subjects. 

In pursuing successful MBA and MiM applications, a balanced MBA profile comprising strong test scores, relevant work experience, and impactful extracurricular activities is crucial. The key to profile building for MBA lies in consistent involvement and genuine passion for all the activities you participate in, which can significantly enhance your application and increase your chances of admission. To explore effective strategies for building a standout profile for MBA and MiM applications, consider consulting with IMS Admission Consultants. Just fill out the form here, and one of our lead education consultants will get back to you.