CUET Last Minute Preparation Tips: Revision Tricks & Techniques

28 April, 2023
Parthiva Mewawala, IMS India
CUET last minute preparation tips

The CUET 2023 is this year’s biggest national level entrance exam with nearly 15 lakh test takers. The exam will be held between May 21 to May 31, leaving students with just a few weeks to finalise their preparation and focus on CUET last minute revision. 

It’s a crucial exam for young students vying to begin their academic careers on the right note. And however well-honed your CUET prep might have been, success depends largely on how well you can retain, digest, and apply the knowledge you’ve gained in the last two years.  Building and following a last minute revision strategy can significantly improve your chances of scoring a 100 percentile. 

We’ve created a list of the most imminent CUET tips to cap off your preparation and empower you to give the exam with newfound confidence. 

CUET last minute revision tips

Keep in mind that close to 85% of the questions asked in the CUET 2023 exam will stem directly from NCERT textbooks. It is the remaining 15% application-based questions that will make the final difference. While following these tips, make sure you’re also practising questions that go beyond the difficulty level of your boards exam. 

1. Tabulate your strengths and weaknesses

Once you’ve finished your preparation for CUET 2023, you should have a fair idea of the ground you’ve covered – the topics you’re good at and the ones you need more practice in. 

Create a list of topics and rate yourself on a scale of 5. Rate a topic 5 if you’re able to tackle harder, application – based questions accurately and rate it 3 if your theoretical grasp is good but question-solving ability isn’t. A 1 would signal that you’re yet to figure out the theoretical approach itself. 

2. Rearrange all your notes according to your strengths and weaknesses

Based on the scale above, rearrange all the topics from 1 to 5. Collate all your study material including your own notes, text books, practice questions, explainer videos, and anything else your coaching provided you with. Match all the material to the topics while keeping one factor in mind. 

For the topics with a rating of 1, include theory as well as practice. For the ones with 3, have extensive practice questions ready. For the ones with 4 and 5, you only need to focus on high-level questions and CUET mock tests. 

By the end of this step, you’ll have the exact study material ready that you require for last minute revision. 

3. Allocate more time to your weaker subjects

Now based on the amount of material you need to cover, allocate time to each topic. Harder topics with more material warrant more time and vice versa. 

While your focus should remain on building conceptual strength in your weakest topics, do not forget to brush over the easier ones. 

4. Solve as many CUET mock tests as possible 

As mentioned above, your CUET 2023 preparation strategy hinges on improving your scores in your weaker topics. Alongside those efforts, it’s also advised to give CUET mock tests regularly. Your goal should be to give at least 15 mock exams before the actual one. There are three distinct advantages of giving practice tests:

  • The analysis of each mock test will reveal if your revision is beating fruit or not. If not, you can alter your strategy accordingly. 
  • You get to practise the topics you’re already good at so that you can maintain your hold on them. 
  • You can build your CUET exam day strategy – what is the pattern like, how much time should you spend on each question, what approach suits you better, and how good you are at guessing through elimination. 

At IMS, we’ve curated a rigorous test series for all CUET 2023 aspirants that will enable you to benchmark your performance against your peers across the country. The 15 stream-wise mock tests come with superior analytics that clearly map out your progress. You can sign up for the test series here

5. Revisit the CUET 2023 exam pattern 

This is a vital step that many students often forget. Studying the paper pattern alone can reveal so many optimization strategies for you to apply. While it may sound redundant, a granular understanding of the paper pattern can give you that competitive edge necessary to beat your peers to the most coveted college seats. 

6. Brush up on your CUET time management strategy 

Lastly, document your time management strategy for exam day. How much time do you usually take to solve questions from different topics? How much time are you willing to spare at the end for flagged questions? Also, how are you going to approach negative marking? How many hard questions do you want to skip without losing out on too many marks? 

Instead of worrying about these questions right before the exam, it’s better to have your answers ready beforehand. 

The CUET is a highly competitive exam – over 19,000 students secured 100 percentile last year in a variety of subjects. Even a couple marks can push your rank down and rob you of your dream college. For that last push and to really invigorate your CUET last minute revision, you can opt for the IMS CUET live online program that provides you with over 200 hours of learning support, 1000+ practice questions, and 15 full-length mock tests. Click here to talk to our counsellors and start your CUET 2023 last minute revision on the right note.