MBA/MMS CET 2022 – Day 3 Analysis | IMS

26 August, 2022

MBA/MMS CET 2022 was conducted on 23rd to 25th August 2022.


CET 2022 – Day 3 

August 25, 2022. 

(9 am-11:30 am & 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm) 


On Day 3, CET-2022 took place in two slots – 9 am to 11:30 am and 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm.  CET 2022 was held on three days from August 23rd to August 25th.

This analysis is based on the feedback received from IMS students and experts who appeared for the CET 2022 on the third day.

CET-2022 maintained a total of 200 questions from different areas without Sections. The overall difficulty level was easy, similar to the test on the first day, and easier than last year’s tests. 


The five slots of CET 2022 over the last three days did not vary significantly in difficulty levels – all of them were considerably easy. However, the first slot and both third-day slots (on the 23rd and 25th of August) were notably easier than the two slots on the second day. We have estimated that about 170 serious attempts could be made in these three easy slots. On the second day, approximately 160 serious attempts were possible. 


  • Both morning and afternoon slots of Day 3 of CET-2022 were easier than those of day 2.
  • As usual, CET 2022 consisted of 200 questions to be attempted in 150 minutes
  • Since there is NO Negative Marking in CET, candidates are expected to attempt all 200 questions. 
  • IMS estimate of good attempts refers to the number of serious attempts and excludes random attempts.   




OVERVIEW – Morning Slot


Area  NameApprox No. of QuestionsDifficulty LevelGood Attempts*
Logical Reasoning70Easy        170 
Abstract Reasoning24Easy
Quantitative Aptitude48Easy
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension58Easy


OVERVIEW – Afternoon Slot


Area  NameApprox No. of QuestionsDifficulty LevelGood Attempts*
Logical Reasoning85Easy    170    
Abstract Reasoning12Easy
Quantitative Aptitude51Easy
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension52Easy



Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension


Though there were no separate Sections in the test, the total number of questions in VARC was around 50 in all slots, going up to 58 in one slot. Verbal reasoning questions that are part of the Logical Reasoning questions were fewer in number than in the previous years.  The question types in VARC also varied across sections. But, since we cover all these question types in our study material, there were no surprises, or new question types that were unfamiliar. 


Morning Slot

The first slot VARC of Day 3 had around 58 questions with 15 RC questions and 42 or 43 VA questions. Overall, the level of VARC in this slot was slightly easier than that of Day 2.

The 15 RC questions were based on two passages – one short and the other lengthy. Most of the questions were easy to moderate. The passage topics are – Why an author writes a book and Growth and Development in the World and in India. The question types asked were mostly specific detail questions and inference questions.

The VA part had familiar question types.

– There were around 8 questions based on synonyms and antonyms and 4 on analogies.

– There were 10 one-word substitution questions.

– Also, there were around 13 Spot the Error type questions.

– The test also had around 8 questions on correct usage and other miscellaneous question types. 


The level of difficulty in the morning slot was easy.


Afternoon Slot

In the afternoon slot, VARC consisted of around 52 questions with certain differences as compared to the morning slot. Around 14 questions were asked from 3 RC passages with two short passages (150 words each) and 1 lengthy passage (750 words) Some of the passage topics are – Views of modernist writers on the emancipation of women, The Supreme Triumph from Apocalypse by DH Lawrence, and a lengthy passage on Greek art and architecture.  Most of the questions asked were easy in terms of difficulty level.

In VA, there were some question types similar to those asked in the morning slot  Both morning and afternoon slots had questions on synonyms, antonyms, and analogies. The remaining question types asked were jumbled paragraphs, odd sentence questions, identifying the language of the root word, fill in the blanks (1 blank), and prefix-suffix questions. Most of the VA questions could be answered quickly with high accuracy.

The level of difficulty in the afternoon slot was easy.

The overall break-up is as follows:

Synonyms + Antonyms818
One-Word Substitution10
Spot the Error13
Correct Usage4
Identify the Language of the Root Word2
Fill in the Blanks (1 Blank)5
Jumbled Paragraphs (MCQs)4
Sentence Out of Context2
Reading Comprehension

Morning – 2 passages

Afternoon – 3 passages



Quantitative Aptitude

Morning Slot

There were about 48 questions on Quantitative Aptitude in the morning slot. There were two sets on Data Interpretation having 5 questions each. The level of difficulty of the questions on Quantitative Aptitude was easy.  The questions on Quantitative Aptitude were dominated by questions on Arithmetic. There were 30 questions on Arithmetic and all the subtopics in Arithmetic (such as Time-Speed-Distance, Averages, Ratio-Proportion, Time & Work, Mixtures & Alligations, Percentages, Simple and Compound Interest) were represented. Other topics on which questions were asked on Quantitative Aptitude were Numbers (4 questions)  and Modern Mathematics (4 questions- on  P&C and Probability). 


Afternoon Slot

There were about 51 questions on Quantitative Aptitude in the afternoon slot. Like some other slots in CET-2022, there were no questions on Data Interpretation in the section. There were in all 18 questions    Unlike the day 1 and the morning session on day 2, there were no questions on Data Sufficiency in the afternoon slot. The level of difficulty of the questions on Quantitative Aptitude was easy.  The questions on Quantitative Aptitude were dominated by questions on Arithmetic and Numbers (17 questions each). Other topics on which questions were asked on Quantitative Aptitude were Algebra (4 questions) , Geometry (4 questions) and Modern Mathematics (3 questions- on  P&C and Probability). 


 Following was the overall break-up of the topics in this test :


Data Sufficiency00
Probability and P&C43
Data Interpretation10 (2 sets of 5 questions)0
Total48 questions51 questions


Logical Reasoning  

Morning Slot

There were about 70 questions on Logical Reasoning in the morning session. Questions on Logical Reasoning were totally dominated by questions on non-verbal reasoning. There were 67 questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning. Out of the 67 questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning, there were questions on sequential output, symbol-based reasoning, Family Tree, Directions, etc.  There were 3 easy questions of verbal reasoning from the topic of syllogisms.

Afternoon Slot

There were about 85 questions on Logical Reasoning in the afternoon session. Questions on Logical Reasoning were totally dominated by questions on non-verbal reasoning. There were 75 questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning. Out of the questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning, 24 questions were set based while the remaining questions were standalone. There were two sets on Matrix Arrangement (total 7 questions), one set on Sequential Output (4 questions), one set on Family Tree (5 questions), one set on Coding-Decoding (3 questions) and one set on cubes (6 questions). Other topics on which questions were asked included standalone questions on Family Tree, Directions, Counting the number of Triangles etc.

The verbal reasoning part of LR consisted of 10 questions from the topics – Statement-Assumption and Assertion-Reasoning. Most of these 10 questions were easy in terms of LOD.

Following is the break-up of this section.


Sequential output54
Coding Decoding68
Calendars and Clocks24
Blood relations311
Number Series819
Symbols, Cube based06
Sequential Output04


The overall difficulty of the questions on Logical Reasoning was easy.


Visual Reasoning

Like Day 1 of CET-2022, a total of 24 questions on Verbal Reasoning were asked in the morning session and 12 in the afternoon session. The questions were based on series completion and odd man out. The overall difficulty level was in the range of easy.


Odd Image Out22
Complete the series58