CAT 2021 Score Predictor

29 November, 2021

Thank you for uploading your CAT 21 response sheet . Based on 23,000+ responses collected, IMS has sent a personalized estimated scaled score & estimated percentile to each student.

Raw Score vs Expected Percentile Summary:

Slot 1- Revised raw scores*
PercentileScore VA-RCScore DI-LRScore QAOverall Score
99.5 %ile463542108
99 %ile423239100
98 %ile37293590


Slot 2- Revised raw scores*
PercentileScore VA-RCScore DI-LRScore QAOverall Score
99.5 %ile474143114
99 %ile433839106
98 %ile39343495


Slot 3- Revised raw scores*
PercentileScore VA-RCScore DI-LRScore QAOverall Score
99.5 %ile513140108
99 %ile482935102
98 %ile44263192

* : Raw scores for different percentiles are the raw scores required for scoring closest percentile. For e.g. raw score for 99 percentile could be the raw score for say 99.12 percentile if no student has scored exact 99.00 percentile.


  • Number of Responses: 23,000+
  • Projected Percentile is not the official percentile released by IIMs. It is meant for informational purposes only and to be taken as a benchmark. IMS is not liable for any action taken/ not taken based on the projected percentile.
  • For Estimated Percentiles between 80-60: The actual percentile is likely to be +/- 5 Percentile of the given estimate. E.g: If the estimated percentile is 75, the actual CAT percentile is likely to be between 70 & 80.
  • For Estimates Percentiles < 60: The percentile range will be in +/- 10 Percentile of the given estimate.

Now that you have crossed the first hurdle of cracking the written exam, it’s time to focus on the next stage – the GD-WAT-PI Stage!

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Program Details:

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Note : You need not wait for the calls to claim the scholarship. You can claim a refund once the calls are out. Happy Prepping!